CandyDoll OnlyFans Account: Hot XXX Videos and Photos

Bonjour bonjour, I'm CandyDoll, The Frenchiest trans bimbo! You can follow my journey as a bimbo, that will include: -Lip fillers (bigger lips) -Botox (jaw and brow) -GRS (vagina!) -2nd BA (1200 cc) -Hyaluronic gel (bigger butt) -3rd BA (1800 cc) On the road you'll also see me getting more

Bonjour bonjour, I'm CandyDoll, The Frenchiest trans bimbo!

You can follow my journey as a bimbo, that will include:
-Lip fillers (bigger lips)
-Botox (jaw and brow)
-GRS (vagina!)
-2nd BA (1200 cc)
-Hyaluronic gel (bigger butt)
-3rd BA (1800 cc)

On the road you'll also see me getting more and more depraved, making sure to be a good sex doll for my sex partners <3. I'll share my journey with you!

Join now to follow this bimbo's journey and be a part of it <3 !

Bisous !